Hydrant flushing will continue the week of April 26, 2021 through Thursday, April 29th; between the hours of 9:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. weather permitting.   Flushing will begin at the corner of Monponsett Street and South Street Extension, heading down South Street Extension and flushing Chandler Mill Road and Union Street.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021 through Thursday, April 29th; flushing will be begin at Monponsett Street (South Street Extension) and continue down Monponsett  Street; flushing Hill Street, Lapham Street; Baker Street, and Ocean Avenue if time allows.

Please try to avoid doing laundry during these hours as the water could become discolored.  Also; please be aware that other streets in the area of the flushing of hydrants could be effected even though the water department may not be directly on your street.  If you have any questions or concerns; please feel free to contact the Water Department at 781-447-1200.

The department will continue to keep the residents updated as to when and where the flushing will continue during the month of May.

As always, we appreciate our residents patience and cooperation during this time.