Town of Hanson Conservation Recreation Areas- Webster-Billings

Webster-Billings Photo


Access: This 60 plus acre property is at the Corner of East Washington Street and State Street. Access is from the Cul-de-sac at the end of Old Pine Drive off East Washington Street. You will see a gate and a Conservation Commission sign which is attached to a tree. Parking is in the grassy area in front of the gate. This area is also accessible from the end of Puritan Drive before you get to Old Pine.

A large expanse of established woodlands paths bordered by residential areas off East Washington, State and Brook Streets. Indian Head Brook flows through the property.

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Acquired by the Town of Hanson in 1973, this large woodland is identified on some maps as the Hodor Property (a previous owner).It was renamed in 2009 to honor three conservation-minded residents: Susan K. Webster, and Dana & Norma Billings.

In earlier times, the property was part of a farm owned by the Josselyn family, who lived at the corner of State and East Washington Streets. Look for old stone walls, especially at the boundaries. Firewood and timber were harvested regularly. The existing cart paths were constructed as fire roads. Trees are still sometimes harvested here, with the town earning the proceeds.


There are approximately 2 miles of intersecting trails here. The main trail is marked in some places with red paint and pink surveyor’s tape. Numerous spur trails lead off into residential areas, and to Indian Head Brook.


Mostly a forested upload of oak, pine, yellow birch and beech, with the occasional hemlock. There are also plenty of fern, sweet pepper bush and blueberry, and some red maple swamp. Rolling hills provide some elevation. There are two certified vernal pools on the property.

Indian Head Brook, a tributary to the Indian Head River, flows through this property. The Indian Head River is a major tributary to the North River.