Update on the High Street Water Tank Project 6/10/2016

Anticipated Time Line

The Hanson Water Department would like to update residents on the High St. water tank project.  The rehabilitation is set to be completed the week of June 13, 2016.  We anticipate beginning to fill the tank on Friday June 17, 2016.  It will take several days to fill the tank.  The tank holds one million gallons and must be filled slowly so as not to disrupt the operation of the distribution system (to avoid dirty water and to not interfere with normal usage).  Once filled, the tank must sit undisturbed for 24 hours.  At the end of this period samples will be collected and delivered to the laboratory per state regulation.  It is expected to take a couple days for the analysis to be performed.  We hope this timeline will allow us to transition back to Hanson’s wells June 24, 2016.  We will update residents as events developed.  We appreciate your continued observation of the water ban through the completion of this project.